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acquisition financingAcquisition


Angel InvestorsAngel/Private

Business IncubatorsBusiness Incubators

Capital Networks,
Matching Services

intermediariesInvestment Bankers

Investor Databases


venture capital directoryLoans

Venture capitalVenture Capital

Capital Networks

Sites are included for informational purposes only. While each site has been personally visited the information is subject to change.

America's Business Funding Directory

It seems based on the categories of financing and the emphasize is on debt financing rather than venture capital. Business Finance is a matching service but only available on-line and the matching has to be done each time on-line by the entrepreneur. The entrepreneur then gets a list of "matched" financing sources and investors to contact. No fee is charged to the entrepreneur, however only members of the Directory will be matched and there is a fee to join. If a venture capital company, for example, is not a member, that venture capital company will not be on the matched list of sources given to the entrepreneurs.

Commercial Finance Online

Entrepreneurs complete an on-line form which is then matched against the investment criteria of those investors/venture capital/service providers that are members. The members are sent the e-mail address and description of the entrepreneur and can contact the entrepreneur as they wish. Additionally the members may have a listing in the on-line directory that can be browsed by entrepreneurs. $10 yearly fee to the entrepreneur, members pay from $100 for a yearly fee.

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Dee Power & Brian E. Hill
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