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Business Plan Consultants Business Plan Preparation | Coaching | Business Plan Review | Virtutal Advisor | How to Start a Business | Business Plan Consultants of Profit Dynamics Inc.Profit Dynamics Inc. located in Fountain Hills, Arizona (just outside Phoenix), is a research and consulting firm. The company focuses on entrepreneurs, small and mid-sized companies, and has assisted in the preparation and review of hundreds of business plans. Over the last fifteen years, business plan consultants, Dee Power and Brian Hill, the founding principals of Profit Dynamics, have conducted extensive research on venture capital, private equity/angel investors and entrepreneurs. That research is the basis for their two books, Attracting Capital From Angels published by John Wiley & Sons, and Inside Secrets To Venture Capital published John Wiley & Sons. Other published titles include The Making of a Bestseller: Success Stories From Authors and the Editors, Agents, and Booksellers Behind Them, The novel, Over Time, They write on the subjects of How to start a business and 58 Ways to Find Money For Your Business. While Profit Dynamics is physically based in Fountain Hills, Arizona, consulting clients have come from all over the United States, Hong Kong and Europe. Selected Clients have been in the following industries: Metal Fabrication, Data Processing Co., Broadcasting Equipment, Entertainment, Cable TV, Medical, Products, Sports Facilities, Consumer Product Manufacturer, Personal Care Product, Insurance Company, Software Developer, Water Bottling and Delivery, Financial Services, Sports Equipment, Software Publisher, Radio Broadcasting, High Tech, Restaurant, Food Services, Hospitality, Recreation, Telecommunications, Distance Learning, Internet Presence Provider, Internet Entertainment Company, Internet Music Company.
Business Plan Consultants of Profit Dynamics Inc.Brian E. Hill has a Master's Degree in Business Administration, with a specialization in finance. He has worked for a large financial institution, a diversified natural resource firm and a hospitality company. Dee Power also has an M.B.A degree. She has worked as a financial executive for the Governor's Office of Arizona, a retail firm and a major hospitality organization. AccomplishmentsHill and Power have written over 100 business plans and reviewed hundreds more. They have advised thousands of entrepreneurs in their search for capital and preparation of their business plans. Their web site,, was one of the first web sites established to assist entrepreneurs in their search for capital and has been recognized as a valuable resource. Areas of Expertise for the Business Plan ConsultantsVenture Capital, Private Investors, Angel Networks, Entrepreneurs, Business Planning, Finding Capital. Guest SpeakersBoth Brian Hill and Dee Power have been invited as guest speakers to present on business planning, finding investors, venture capital, and other topics. They've presented at the Small Business Development Centers, Thunderbird International Graduate School of Management, Arizona Small Business Association, College of Advancing Computer Sciences, Arizona Software Association and the City of Phoenix as well as business groups. ResearchVenture Capital Surveys The Venture Capital Surveys surveyed over 250 venture capitalists and asked such questions as how many business plans do they receive in a year, what is the most critical factor in their investment decision, how do they find the deals, what is the most common reason they decline to invest, and what is the most critical mistake entrepreneurs make in their business plan. You can see the entire survey at Entrepreneurs and their business plans Why do most entrepreneurs complete a business plan, do they use business plan software and did they find it helpful, what's the most difficult challenge of completing a business plan, angel investors PublicationsBusiness Plan Consultants Power and Hill have published articles or have been interviewed as experts on business topics in Business Journals across the country, LA Times, Orange County Register, San Jose Mercury, American Venture Magazine, Entrepreneur's Business Startups Magazine, BusinessWeek Online, Smart Money, Entrepreneur, Investor's Daily and many regional publications. |
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Dynamics, Inc,. Dee Power & Brian E. Hill All Rights Reserved Worldwide |