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If you want to make a good first impression.

Entrepreneurs should consider the following when constructing their business plan documents:

The business opportunity is presented in a clear, exciting manner.

The entrepreneur understands that projections are, at best, hopeful guesses and tries to base the projections on realistic assumptions.

The entrepreneur makes as full disclosure as possible of the pitfalls of the business as well as its strengths.

The plan is carefully proofread and edited until it does not contain any errors in grammar or math.

The plan shows why the company and its products are different and significantly better than what is out there in the marketplace.

The company has taken the time to study and understand its competitors and can address their strengths and possible weaknesses.

The plan contains enough information to tell a complete story about the company, but is presented in a concise, tight writing style.

The plan does not make exaggerated claims about the product or the management.

The entrepreneur knows the plan by heart before making a presentation to the venture capitalist.

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Dee Power & Brian E. Hill
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